Sunday, March 9, 2008

Choices to the future...

"In my quiet moments, I think of the future with all of its wonderful possibilities and with all of its terrible temptations. I wonder what willhappen to you in the next 10 years. Where will you be? What will you bedoing? That will depend on the choices you make, some of which may seemunimportant at the time but which will have tremendousconsequences."
Gordon B. Hinckley, "Stay on the High Road," Ensign, May 2004, 112-113

How true it is...where will I live? What will my major be? What should I minor in? What job will i do? Do I go on a mission or not? Who will I marry? Of all of these questions, the simplest one for that has affected me more than any other is where will I live? Every time I move it is for a reason and it's good to know that even though it's something as simple as moving five min from where i lived before, Heavenly Father cares and it does change my life a little at a time. I'm grateful for His simple guidance that ends up making a big difference. March 9, 2008


  1. Becca.
    You are cool. I don't really have anything to write, but I like your blog. Well, that went well.

  2. Hey Becca! I like your blog! This is Hna McKinnon!

  3. Becca,
    You are awesome! I miss having late night talks with you in the dorms at BYU during EFY! We need to talk more- I want to be more involved in your awesome life! Love you!

  4. Beck, you know who this is cause no one else calls you Beck, or should I say "Be"
    Anyway, you have an awesome blog. I really like your music, maybe you could burn me a cd when I come out to visit? By the way, we are leaving on March 27th and returning April 6th.
    Love you, "Li"
