Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Sometimes life is so fun that you just get to wake up, explore a city, town or country and then come home and write about it.  Other times it's like that, but you're up to ears in things to do like plan Christmas parties, wrap 300 sets of napkins, knives, forks and spoons with a ribbon (thanks Jodee for your help), deliver 210 invitations, meet with the Bishop, get a new calling, do something about life while planning and preparing for your pre-observation interview with your director while kids are coming up to your desk asking if their Christmas card they just made for the homeless and battered women's shelter is good enough and the printer is "offline" and doesn't print your lesson plan and so you go half prepared with your 5 syllabi for all the classes you teach, to your meeting that doesn't go so well, because you're an overemotional wreck all of the time and end up not really talking about things you needed to, but things that have been bugging you, but shouldn't...man I don't get it!  But Then you go get some essential oils and become a DoTerra representative, put on some Oregano, On-Guard and Digestzen after taking a nice shower, have time to read before bed and realize that in a way, you're back to where you were 6 months ago, happy as can be to be alive and have so much to live for...I love my life!  It's up. It's hard and it's what you make of it!  It's all about attitude...I'm working on it and I realize today that the Lord has given me so many things to help me learn and grow that how could I possibly be sad or ungrateful for any day I'm on this Earth, when I know why I'm here, who I am and where I came from and how to get back home.  This holiday Christmas season, I'd like to thank my mom and all my family for loving me, the people I work with for putting up with me, and live my life to the fullest while I learn to live and learn to love when it hurts!  That's why I'm here. It's good to know and it's good to do with so many people who know why we are here and so many who don't, because we are all here to help each other make it back safely. Thanks for loving me enough to help me learn and grow in the process of my mistakes and development.  It's hard, but we aren't here to be perfect, just to grow and become more than we were while we were becoming our today self and working on our tomorrow self.  Thanks for sharing life and love. It's why we're here even though it hurts sometimes. 

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