Friday, July 15, 2011

I love Leon!!! Viernes 15 de julio 2011

7/15/11 7:23pm Friday Leaving Leon, Spain
I can’t believe that today is Friday!  We have been on the road for a week today and it almost feels like we just left and it was yesterday, but at the same time when I look back it’s like, “Wow we have done a ton of stuff!  We are lucky people.”  Today we went to the cathedral in Astorga and the palacio episcopal de Gaudi. It was really pretty.  We couldn’t really take pictures in either, but outside it was good.  Then we went to this cute little town in Castrillo de los polvares. It was this cute little town that had cobble stone roads and all the doors were green, except I found one that was blue!  I also found a place they sell Miel and I thought of Lance Parker because he has bee hives!  So Lance I took this picture for you!  After that we went to  Leon and we spent most of the day there.  We had a yummy lunch. I had really good pasta and fish.  I learned today that you shouldn’t dig out fish bones with your hands, because you’ll smell like fish all day!  There was no soap in the bathroom I went to so I couldn’t even wash my fishy hands.  We went to the cathedral in Leon and it by far has been my favorite cathedral.  There are tons and tons of stained glass windows and they are astounding and beautiful.  Ever since I took the Iberian peninsula Spain class I have always wanted to go there. I have loved those windows for a really long time!  It was really cool and I bought some cool stuff there.  After that we saw these cute old people who told us that we have to go see the frescos and the museum.  It was really cool.  There were these old books from the 900’s a Bible.  Which I thought was really cool, because I imagined the priests who used to copy the Bible time and time again so people could read them and I remembered in 2 Nephi 13 when things were taken out of the Bible because of the mistakes made by people in the rewriting process.  There were even little side notes that people had written saying that as they were rewriting they thought there were mistakes or that it didn’t really happen the way it was written etc…so I can see why, “We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly, we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God.” (Article of Faith #8)
After that we are now in the car, but Professor Knapp and Montgomery and I got lost finding the car…Next time I need to pay closer attention as I am leaving the parking lot. We are on our way to Salamanca right now and are listening to John Lund as we are on our way.  I have to catch up on my blog a lot because we haven’t had internet for a couple days so I am going to hopefully try to update today! 
So what have I learned today? I have learned that there are lots of different things including loving one another, praying when you lose something, you may or may not find it, but you’ll be okay either way as long as you’ve included the Lord, He’ll support you.  I’ve learned that everything happens for a reason and just because a man drinks 5 vinos con sus amigos a day doesn’t make him a bad person, because today I met this guy named Felix and he was the nicest man ever. I will for sure add a photo of him.  He sits 5 minutes, no more, no less at the cathedral every day, drinks about 5 vinos every day and smokes a lot as he told me!  Old as he is he looks great!  Check for yourself!  He was so nice and pretty much told me all I needed to know about the Cathedral in 5 min.  I really enjoyed talking to him.  He was excited to see the picture I took of him after I took it! He liked that my camera could show him instantly the picture!  I love old people!!!  I always will, especially when I’m old perhaps even more than I do now!!! Hard to beat, but who will I play checkers with? My grandkids??? Gotta have kids first!  Anyway, today was  a good day for learning!  I’m still in that!

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