Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Sevilla 2nd DAY!

Sevilla! I love, love, love Sevilla! I also loved, loved, loved Granada and all the other places we have been. I feel like I am in love with Spain more than I ever realized possible. This place makes me happy and realize how much there is to know in the world and the history of it! I love it!

Look at how HUGE these pillars are in the cathedral! Everything about the Cathedral is unimaginable . Well i guess not since they made everything and it was probably imaged before!

The roof in the Cathedral. way pretty!

There are lots and lots of fountains. I love it, because I love water. Fountains are hard to take cool pictures of, but I'm working on it! This fountain is in the Cathedral's Orange court. It is a place where people go to enjoy and pass and hang out.

I love the gothic arches. They are so cool!
This horse was so nice. I loved it. It let me pet my favorite part on a horse; the soft part right at it's nose between the nostrils.

Okay, I have to tell you that looking at Christopher Columbus' mausoleo brought tears to my eyes, because I am so grateful to him for all he did! He is so amazing for the valiance that he had to have to do what he did. This sculpture of statues is one of the coolest things I have ever seen. The metal looks like ropa. It is so beautiful. The symbolism is so cool. I'll write about it really quickly. The castle on the left represents Ysabel the queen of Spain. She came from Castilla which was represented with a castle. On the right is a lion for Leon, another region in Spain. In the back there is a statue with murcielagos (that is such a cool word in spanish. It has all the vowels in one word!) it means bats. The bats lived in caves in Aragon which is where Fernando the King is from and the last one on the right has chains which represent Navarra. The whole monument represents the unification of Spain once Columbus discovered the new world. All the regions of Spain carry him on their shoulders. I just love it and I love the workmanship of whoever created these sculptures, because I kept wanting to reach my hand out and feel the material, because it actually looked like heavy, real material. It was so beautiful. All of this was inside of the cathedral in Sevilla.

No me dejado. This is the symbol of Seville. It is all over the place and the symbolism is cool. I love all the symbolism everywhere. I am learning so much. No me ha dejado means "He/She didn't leave me" and this comes from someone along the way not leaving someone...has something to do with the king and queen as usual it started out as no me dejado, but because language changes it changed to no me ha dejado. The nudo or knot is a part of it...k it's too late for me to exaplain. Go look it up on wikipedia! that is the address. You probably need to change the language it is in spanish.

This is the first balcony from the outside. The next picture is from the inside looking out.

Okay today rocked! Seriously we did 2 of the best things ever! We went to the top of the La Giralda. It was so cool. You can see everything up there it is like 300 and something feet tall. It has 35 ramps and 17 steps.

This is one of the Arenas where they do the corrida de torros. That is a bullfight. We aren't going to get to go to one, but that's okay, I've seen way too many videos where a bull goes crazy and runs into the crowds. It would be kind of cool though!

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